Birds of a Feather…

Just another weblog

Twilight is here November 21, 2008

Filed under: Day in the life,Family time,Uncategorized — birdsofafeather19 @ 9:36 pm
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Being the crazy mom I am, I thought it would be fun to take my kids to see Twilight.  But not just any trip to the theatre, we went to the 12:01am showing last night (this morning???).  I ordered advance tickets online and the kids were so excited.  Well, the girls were.  My son decided not to go; that his beauty sleep was much more important.  So my girls and I left home at about 11pm on Thusday not knowing what was in store.  The thought crossed my mind that there might be only about ten people there  – visions of goth chics danced in my head.  But when we pulled into the parking lot it looked like the mall on the Saturday before Christmas!  Wow, I couldn’t believe the lines we had to stand in and we had already purchased our tickets!  TEN theaters full of Twilight fans filled the AMC last night.  It was the kind of night where people laughed out loud, ooh’ed and ahh’d at the cute boys and cheered when it was over.  Overall very enjoyable.  I’m anxious to read the series of books now that I’ve had a taste.  What a fun experience.  Now I’m going to take a nap….